Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Honey Cinnamon Popcorn

Okay, so I haven't posted for a while. I had a really bad eating day Friday last week that included chocolate cake and pizza. After eating all that I gained back 3 lbs and now have lost that 3 plus one more. Stupid pizza. It is my one weakness. If I am over at someone's house and they order pizza I have a very very hard time saying no. I have banned pizza from my house unless it is my healthy whole wheat pizza that I make. Anyways, I have been eating super good since Friday, (besides french toast on Saturday from Kneaders), and have been working out way hard. I have gone walking every morning. I just try to walk at least a mile and as long as there is a park my son can play at for 15 minutes he is happy to go on a walk. Well my recipe for the day is Honey Cinnamon Popcorn. It is my favorite. I eat it almost every night while watching a movie. It is super healthy too. I love it to snack on at anytime of day. I also sneak it in to a movie theater instead of buying the popcorn there with a pound of butter on it. My husband hates it when I make it because my 4 year old loves it and when we eat it on the couch you can't help but get some on the floor. He claims that he has to clean it up off the floor every single time we eat it when in reality I am the one vacuuming it up. lol.

Honey Cinnamon Popcorn

1/4 cup of popcorn kerrels
1/8 cup of coconut oil
1 tsp cinnamon
1/8 cup honey

I pop the popcorn kernels in coconut oil on the stove top in a skillet. Once they are all popped I drizzle the honey on top then sprinkle the cinnamon on. You can add as much honey, cinnamon, or coconut oil that you want. Also you can buy bagged no butter or salt added popcorn that you  pop in the microwave and then just melt the coconut oil in the microwave until melted and drizzle that on top as well.

I end up eating the whole big bowl to myself. So yummy. I just make myself some tonight.