Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A 20 min. Before and After

Ł So I have a before and after for you today. 
Aaaaaannnnd, it's a good one.  :)
My neighbor recently moved out and didn't want these old shutters.
COME ON!!! Who wouldn't want this???? (If there was a sarcasm font, these words would be written in it) :)
 as you can see you they are not in the best shape....
but I saw potential! Even if Tyler might have seen something annoying that kept falling out of the stroller on the walk home.  
I thought maybe a coat of paint would do it- so I set the kids down and broke out the paint. Yellow. Because, I looooove yellow :) neighbors joke that they know which house is mine.
In fact, I used the same paint can for the shutters :)
 And it only took. . . . .  
Get this,  one episode of Arthur. 
I know!!! That is about 20 minutes people!! I painted as if my free time depended on it. 
At first I was getting really frustrated because each little shutter was taking Foreva!! but I just kept telling myself, "Even though this is taking forever, I'll be glad for the end result." It totally helped me stay on task and motivated.
Pretty right?? :)
Totally worth the slightly tedious part. I have a hard time keeping with one project till it's done. Sometimes I just want to jump from thing to thing to thing to thing for from project to project to project. 
 For example I have the two rocking chairs I talked about my last post that I'm working on.
Then there's the laundry room that's still half painted. 
Oh yeah and the gallery wall that still needs more pictures. And the couch that I decided to recover.

 And those chairs I started way back when that just need the top part recovered.

 Oh and of course how can we forget.........

 Yeah that's still going on strong I'm talking wood chips and sawdust everywhere. I think I vacuum every day. Okay not really. I vacuum once a week. Maybe. :)
 And then there's this extra carpet that I'm going to make into a rug. 
So basically I just need help. I think I just start too many projects. I'm just ready to get rid of them so I don't have the added stress. But projects are fun! And they're supposed to be fun.  I guess I just really love the fun things! :)
 If you don't hear from me in the next week please come and pull me out from all the projects I'll be working on, give me chocolate milk, and throw away all the projects toppled on me. Please. 
 There is one project I really want to work on that I think will be beneficial for everybody not just for the prettiness of the house. I really want to work on a morning schedule for my oldest daughter. She is really structured and loves schedules and order. I love that about her! So I want to encourage her in her strengths. 
 So I'm thinking of creating a little morning schedule that when she wakes up in the morning she can start to follow right away. Something thank goes kinda like: prayer, brush hair, make bed, get dressed, feed the chicken and get the egg. 
 That's really the one project I should focus on even though all those other ones are driving me ca-ra-zy! :)
One more before and after pic for you:

 Well until tomorrow love you all!!!!!!!! :D

Friday, November 7, 2014

Update on Chairs and Gallery Wall

Just wanted to give an update on these chairs (oh, these chairs) and the gallery wall I've been working on.
So, if you haven't noticed- I like to jump from project to project and from idea to idea.... :)
these chairs have kind of been a headache. not because they've been hard but because I put them in my front room,and now they're just staring at me.
 mocking me.
 Because I haven't finished them yet after all this time! 
 Oh, don't you worry chairs, you'll get finished and you won't know what hit you! 
 I got ready and motivated to again tackle these chairs.
 And THEN! .....I saw..... my two-year-old daughter ...... with a permanent marker ......

I know, I know. I shouldn't have let the marker in reach. 
But it was actually a blessing in disguise! Because I needed to recover the seats anyways. Let's just say, my first time job of covering the seats wasn't the most professional looking job. 
 The old covering is on the left and my new covering is on the right. You can tell the folding looks a lot more smooth.
 Here is a look at the bottom of the new covering. You can see that it covers the entire board instead of just partly covering. That way it won't hang underneath the chair.
  It was a lot faster and easier to recover it the second time. I wonder if it's because everything was already held tightly together or because I'm just that much better at it. :)
 So I decided what my plan is with the rest of the chairs. I think i will recover the top part with batting and fabric. Because it's just not as soft without some sort of covering. And we NEE D soft and comfy. otherwise no one will sit in it! And that kind of defeats the purpose a chair....if no one will sit in it.... ( Other than obliging strangers that won't tell you that there's wood sticking into their back! Haha)
 Next up is the Gallery wall I'm working on. I have a few more pictures put up. Buuuut it's just not done yet. It's getting close. I just have a few more to put up. Here's what it looks like now. 

 And here's all the other random things I'm working on:

these two rocking chairs are on my hit list. I also recently restored (I guess restored is the fancy way of saying it-but really just painted) an old window shutter that my neighbor didn't want. I'll be posting about that next week. As you can see my mind goes everywhere at once and I have lots of projects and ideas that I just can't wait to accomplish. so hopefully my husband will be able to keep me in line and only work on one or two at a time instead of eight or 10 ! Haha! :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

An Entryway Gallery Wall

I have been kinda stumped lately of what to write about. 
Which is strange... Usually Tyler can't get me to stop talking about house projects, ideas, and all pretty things.
Yet here I am. Haha.
I think it's the typing. It takes for-ever. I think faster than I can talk, which leaves me stumbling over my words. And I talk faster than I can type. Sooooo basically I don't know how more than half-words make it onto the posts! Maybe because I proofread :)
I'm thinking of buying one of those apps where you just talk and the app types the words for you. That would make typing ALOT easier. Tyler has it on his phone for texting. Since I have used his phone a few times, I find myself giving up on a text on my own phone because it takes so much longer! Haha, I'm such a baby :) but seriously, my phone is an un-smart phone. . . . . I think I like it better that way. Then I feel like the smart one in the relationship. ;)


I am redoing this little wall in our front room/family room/foyer/only room other than the kitchen.

And if you look closely, then you can see the farm animal magnets on the door. :) they are a favorite around these parts.
I wanted the pictures and things to have a frame, and I wanted a mirror so I can wipe the mascara left from yesterday off from under my eyes before I rushed out the door to preschool. :) 
I have another mirror I was using for this important task, but Tyler built stairs in the way....

Gotta love that handyman :) 

So I collected some mirrors and frames (yard sales, di, friends and family) 
At first I was afraid I wouldn't get enough, but now I have too many!! It's amazing, really.

I laid them all out on the couch so I could see all the possibilities. (Good thing Tyler wasn't home. He has a hard time with the messy part of projects!)

I quickly cut out or folded a piece of paper for each frame and mirror. And I mean quickly. No time to waste on something like that!
Then I even more quickly taped them up on the wall.

I rearranged and slightly scooted until I liked the arrangement. 

Then I got these babies at walmart...

Velcro command strips! They were kinda pricy. $9 for 12. But they are great for someone like me who never levels pictures. :)
Now I have slowly started replacing the paper with the corresponding picture/frame. And I mean slowly. It's been a week since I put up the papers and this is how far I am :)

:) but I like it so far!! And I wanted a mirror the girls could look into and make faces. 
Check and check. I love seeing them double take at themselves in the mirror. Then walk over to it and proceed to make the cutest faces to themselves. Man, little kids are the best!!!! They don't hold any part of themselves back, but are just open and honest. I honestly have an easier time talking to children than adults.... I know they won't judge me! :)

Friday, October 10, 2014

The strange term of 'wearing your baby' applies here

Hey all! So I've been M.I.A. For a little while- I realize that. I just ..... (here comes the excuse....)
Ok, really, I have been going on Facebook ALLLL the time and haven't left time for my blog. 
I said it.
'Hi, I'm jamie. And I'm addicted to Facebook.'

Well, not anymore!!!!! Mwahahahahaha I am showing self control and will be doing priorities in order. In order, you hear me, Facebook!! You are very lowwwwww on the list- so it will be a while before we can rendezvous again. It's not you, it's me.


I have a great simple Do It Yourself to show you today.

A baby wrap! And this lovely photo was taken by my awesome photographer that I keep on hand. 
And she's only three years old!
Granted, there were a lot of these...

But hey, I don't judge the work of a professional.

So basically, my neighbor has a baby wrap that she got at target for like $35. What? Cheap I know! But, that was still to pricey for my DIY mind. 
So I raided my moms fabric stash and found this pretty thaang. 

You can't really tell, but it a pretty mint green. And mint is allll the rage right now. Even though that has been in my moms fabric stash for probably some 20+ years :) 
It wasn't quite long enough so I cut it in half longways or hotdog way if you remember back to 4th grade. 
Then sewed it together!

I used two seams, one straight and one zig-zag. Just in case it starts to rip, then the zig-zag will keep baby safe and secure until I can resew it, if that might ever happen. But so far there has been zero sign of fabric ripping. This seam isn't going anywhere! :)

And neither is this cutie! It is sooo nice to have him so close and still have my hands free.

He likes to be faced out usually and faced in when he's tired. He actually fell asleep today on our walk while being wrapped!

I found this tutorial has been the most helpful :)


Here's to better time management!

Monday, September 29, 2014

No Mess Kids Toy Organization

Here is a fun one for you today!
I'm sharing how we organize our kids toys! :)
You see, Tyler hates stuff out of place and on the floor. Well, the toys didn't really have a place and were ALWAYS on the floor. So we have tried quite a few different systems, but now we have something that seems to be working well.

First we tried nothing. . . . . That didn't work so well... Haha

Then we tried a small basket of toys in the front room. One for each child. It was ok, but toys would more easily end up on the floor of the front room/family room. And those baskets would fill up quickly with toys from their room.

Then we tried ALL their toys in their room with easy access to every-thing. That worked better, but they would just carry lots of toys to the front room. So to convince Tyler that we really shouldn't throw away all their toys, I came up with this!

A toy cabinet! 
I did a major purge of their toys and put it into categories. Then I kept the categories they played with most often and the ones that encouraged imagination. I just used bins I had around the house, but most of these are dollar store. Then I added cute labels! More to help Tyler know where they go and to keep me from just shoving things inside when I feel lazy.

Here is the front of the cabinet:

This little label I made shows each bin that is inside. And I drew it myself!! (It took like an hour and a half, but was fun to do.) you could just copy and paste pictures and print it off! Or you can print off the previous picture, but your categories will probably be different :)

We got this cabinet when we moved into the house. The previous owners left it. Except it was an ugly forest green with a bad paint job and the front wasn't connected to the rest of the cabinet. . . . It needed some love :) I painted it an olive green with paint someone had given me. Then Tyler helped me add hinges I bought at Home Depot and a knob from our bathroom vanity. Now it's really cute and functional!
 I keep the cabinet "locked" by using a shoelace! Haha! We get creative around here.... And when the girls would like to play with something, they ask, and we get one bin out at a time. They have to clean up their current bin in order to get a new one. And we also use this toy box:

That turns into an ottoman, for their 2 toys they can have all the time. This is also really nice if it's too late to clean up their bin, I just throw it all in the box until the next day. Works great! Tyler also made this toy board:

If you can't tell, each toy is tied to the board and can't be strewn across the floor! It was Rosie's birthday present this year. But if you ask me, it was more a present to us, haha! 
This system is really nice! I feel with less toys they are much more imaginative. Instead of moving so quickly from toy to toy to toy to toy.... You get my point. :) and there isn't any of "I just cleaned this room!!" Going on anymore. :) or at least, not nearly as often. 
To give a better idea, those pictures I showed are ALL of my kids toys. Where some might think I'm depriving them from lots of toys- I instead feel I'm blessing them with less clutter for their mind! Less toys and choices to confuse and overwhelm. I see they are so much more content with the toys they do have. :)
Now, I don't know everything, and this system has been working splendidly for us! But find what works best for you, and I hope this could be an inspiration! I personally feel children do better with less toys- but that is my opinion! And if you are the opposite- I still love you and think you're a great parent! Because how many toys your kids have is definitely not an indicator of how good a parent you are. Or if you bottle feed, breast feed, raw diet, sleep in crib, sleep with you, cloth diaper or not. What makes you good is your love. :) so keep on keeping on! And I hope to inspire you to implement systems that make life easier. 
(Easier being the key word there ) :)

As for their books....

I haven't really gotten a good system yet. I think they should have free access to something as good for their brains as books- but the mess it creates is too much for my sweetheart. So we will keep trying and thinking on that one...

Love you!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Are you open to truth?

There are lots of feelings going on inside of me right now.
Mainly frustration, sadness, and hopelessness. 
Why you might ask? 
Because I am amazed at how many people are closed to the truth. ANY truth. ALL truth.
Truth is what lifts you and your understanding, truth brings light to your soul.
For example: I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I know that he is there for me everyday, every moment, through every heartache and every joy. 
As I act on this truth: I am filled with light.       I am filled with love.         I have a hope for the future and an immense gratitude for His love. I am open to read his words and learn more truth. 

This 'light' I speak of brings a true happiness. A deep down, in the dirt, can't deny it, peace that comes only when you are choosing to act on the truth you have received. 
Who doesn't want that?? :)

I feel this peace when I am making a conscious effort to let go of sadness, anger or sin. To choose be patient, to repent, and to love.

I desperately want those I love to feel it too! You included! I mean, I am willing do drive to where you are, grab you by the shoulders, and shake you until you can see how much I truly care! 

So p-l-e-a-s-e. Act on that truth you've received. Whether it be to pray, to love, to serve. Or if you have felt a stirring in your heart as you read about my knowledge of Jesus Christ. To notice it and act on it. Read the book of Matthew from the bible to learn more about Him.

I'm not sure what else to say, than to say I love you. Than to say, keep on going. Keep on trying, keep on loving. And keep on believing.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Gotta catch them all...... Neon green!!

So that post title doesn't make a whole lot of sense... Unless you watched Pokemon everyday after school, 3rd grade and beyond. Then it makes perfect sense!! No wonder why we're the best of friends ;)

So the chairs are on hold while I dream and think. But that doesn't stop me from doing!

Our dryer started making a funny noise, so I stopped using for fear of something exploding. Which, when heat is involved is totally plausible, right??? Yeah.... Tyler didn't think so either :)
Well, when our laundry got so backed up (like Tyler having to borrow my teeny ankle socks haha!!) I finally decided to investigate the dryer noise. Thank heaven it was only the dryer hose/vent thing that had come off! And I really mean thank heaven :) but thinking about it, I haven't actually prayed and thanked Him. Better do that :)

So in order to hook it back in we had to take out the crazy MESS of stuff that was piled in and around our washer and dryer. This got my organizational gears t-u-r-n-ing. (It was always turning since the world was burning!)

So I convinced (or more puppy-dog-eye asked, ever so sweetly) for Tyler to move the washer dryer to the right side of our little laundry nook. Here's what it looked like after that:

Hot mess, I know. But it will make for all that better of a before photo! :)
So I knew I needed some color in order to WANT to keep it clean. Crazy idea, I know :)
I have some old paint I got for free off of ksl. One of the colors was......
Can you guess it?


hint: think of the post title....


Here's another hint:

Neon green!! You guessed it! And with only 2 hints too ;)
I only got a little bit done because it was preeeeetty tight. I didn't move the washer/dryer, I just squeeeeeeeezed into that crack on the left. :) 
And I only barely painted behind the dryer, because let's be honest, the only time we will see that is to move the washer dryer out once every few years to get what has fallen behind it. :)
Here is an angle to show that you can't even see behind the washer dryer :)

And this wall, guys....

It has big plans. BIG plans :)

I mean, we are talking hooks upon hooks for hang drying, floor space for bulk foods, shelving for pantry items. .... I could have a somewhat-pantry?! Glorious! I'm so excited. These are the shelves to be installed

They need a little love too. But what doesn't?? 
Love you all!!!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Update 3. How can 2 chairs be so difficult??

Hey there! 
Here's the update :)
I stapled and glued the chair back together. Then gave it a good sanding. Now it's not so splinter-inducing. :)

Then I put on a tung-oil product I found in our shed. :) free is great, people! Use what you have!

I only have one issue with this now. Where the wood molded (it's baked in the sun and is no longer moldy) it has shown through! 
I put the backs on again.

My heart just doesn't skip a beat.....
I'm picturing a wood seat, and it's just not WOW yet. Ya know? 
My mom suggested putting the green fabric behind the backrest so the wood could still show and it would tie in with the current green coushins.
Other ideas were to put a wood seat and stain it with a geometric pattern- love! Or to add wood along the sides. :) 
Thanks so much for all of your ideas and support! 
Maybe I'm just making too much of a big deal about it. I just need to come up with a new vision in my head with the wood backs :)
Wish me luck!

On a side note, I have been thinking of doing like a 2-week-fashion-boot-camp on the blog. Where for two weeks there will be inspiration and ideas to help take back time for yourself! Like 2- minute, no fuss hair ideas (they exist,  trust me :) and ways to make your wardrobe fuss free (throw it on, and feel great). Because it seems to me that there are people out there that don't realize how easy it is to look and feel great! I feel like i finally have style, ease, and 'feel prettiness' more than I ever have in my life! So I want to share! 
So PLEASE tell me what you would like to learn about in the comments below! :) I want to cover things that will actually help and make a difference. And what matter to YOU! :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Something stolen- what I did next

Hey guys. 
Sorry no chair update for you today. The wood backs are literally falling apart and off the chair- so I've put my work on hold until Tyler can help me make them sturdy again. He is a-mazing at that type of thing. I am usually reminding him that the nail in the wall for a picture frame does NOT need to hold an elephant. But he usually makes it about that sturdy :) love that guy.

But I do want to share something on my mind. 
On Saturday night someone stole something off my porch. :(
Which, for anyone outside of Happy Valley, would not be very I shocked at this. 
Me, not so much. I was shocked.
It was a vintage little suitcase that sat next to our door on a little table. It housed all of my jewelry making supplies (with a tiny house, you get creative with storage).
The funny thing is- that when I first put it out there, Tyler warned me not to, because it might get stolen. But it was just SO cute out there and the perfect size! Plus I had faith that people wouldn't take something that wasn't theirs. it's not really worth anything, anyway!
Well. I was wrong. Tyler was dead on. 

It really bothered me most of Sunday morning. I'm sensitive when it comes to people being mean to each other. Like, I feel it in my g-u-t. It really upsets me when my chickens aren't nice to each other! I even got rid of 2 perfectly good, laying hens because they weren't nice to the third chicken! 
Because, really, is it THAT hard to be nice to someone? No. It doesn't cost a penny.
In fact, it reminds me of this video:

So I expect it out of myself and others to be kind! I guess that's why it bothered me so much when I realized the suitcase was taken. (Sorry it's gone grandma! But I still have the other one!)

Well, this circumstance has not ruined my faith in the goodness of people. So here is what I did:

It's only been one day. But I am praying that I'll be able to track down that little suitcase :) and I'll start praying for the person that took it. That they can come out of whatever desperation caused them to take it. Can you pray for them too? I'm sure they need the prayers :)


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Take a Seat! Chair Update 2

These chairs.
I'm not sure what to do....

Let me explain:
If you remember, I found this pretty vintage fabric that is original to the chairs.
I wanted to keep it! But there was none of this fabric hidden on the back of the chair. Let me show you what I mean:
There is no pretty vintage fabric underneath this part. So I decided to just take it off and replace it with a corresponding fabric...
I got some pliers in there and pulled the backing off. It pulled off a little TOO easy...

YUCK!! Pretty much pure mold. I'm pretty sure I can't salvage any of the original fabric or nails....
DO NOT LEAVE INDOOR FURNITURE OUTSIDE!! As if that wasn't already common sense for everyone but me! :( I thought they 'would be fine.' 
Just wait to you hear the rest of the story...
So I then decided to just try to recover the whole top part with the same emerald green fabric for the seats. So I just ripped and pulled away.
This is the awful part... Put down your lunch/breakfast/snack/doughnut for a second. (Actually, if you're eating a warm maple bar, then you better eat that first. Because warm doughnuts are soooo good) 
Back to the story. I peeled it away and there was a spider egg in there! Ahhh! And earwigs!! *shiver*
As I would pull a nail away at a time, earwigs would fall out on me! And then I would scream. 
Don't worry neighbors, I'm just jumpy when it comes to earwigs....
Why? You should ask my brother... :) 

But like all things that might seam bleak in the moment- if you push on and say a little prayer- things start to look up!

Pretty right?!? Worth the few minutes of grossness. :)
These chairs are starting to take a design turn! 
These chairs.
I'm not sure what to do!
To me the emerald green fabric just isn't matching the pretty wood back! Which I LOOOVE and am totally keeping. 
So what's a gal to do? Should I just make a wood seat to match the top? And forget all my efforts to make the current ones? 
I need some support! What do you think?
:) jamie