I feel like I can ask Tyler for help the easiest because we are so close. Yet I still find myself feeling bad that he is doing the laundry or diaper changes instead of me. He is so good about it. When he sees I'm over doing it he will take me by the arm, walk me to bed, lay me down, and shut the door so the girls can't come in. So nice.
The main reason it's so nice is because I don't have to say anything! I don't have to ask for help.
Then I realized he would probably have to go to work tomorrow..... And that I'll have to cook..... And I just felt completely wiped out & sad & down. Like I just wanted to go to sleep, pull over the covers and not wake up for a month or two, haha.
Now, of course these thoughts and feelings are not from God, they are from another source. Satan wants us all to feel like we are the only ones suffering and that we have nowhere to turn for relief from our pain or sadness.
So I have been thinking of Jesus. He suffered so that he could "...know according to the flesh how to succor his people..." It is a little funny to think that he knows EXACTLY how I am feeling as a pregnant lady, but I know with all my heart that it is true. He knows how I am feeling and understands completely my pains and feelings. Here is the full scripture in Alma:
Alma 7:12
And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
As I read this scripture I feel such peace. It will all be ok :)
I listened.
To the quiet voice inside telling me to ask for help. I emailed a lady in my Releif Society and asked if some ladies could give assistance through the week. And I cried. The whole time I was writing that 5 sentence email. Why is it so hard?? But I am so glad I did. Her reply wasn't, just buck up and handle it, like my subconscious was wary of. But instead she said:
"Jamie! I am so proud of you! It's not often people actually say what they need and give others the chance to serve...." She also let me know the plan to receive help I need and some encouraging thoughts.
I feel sooo much better. Knowing I don't have to suffer alone to be 'tough.' But instead I can rely upon those around me and especially my Savior for peace and strength.