Super cute, right?!
Since I am pretty much confined to the couch and going crazy, I have been doing some little jewelry projects! I have realized that to keep from becoming the crazy cat lady (or in my case, goat lady, since that's what the neighbor kids call me) I need to create and serve! Because when you create something, you feel accomplished. And when you serve others you feel good inside and your own burden seems less.
So I have made a necklace for my sister out of an old earring. She had lost one of her favorite earrings when she was about 17 and I had told her to give me the one left and I'd make something out of it. Well.... 8 years later, here we are and I made something out of it! Better late than never, right? I'm WAY excited to give it to her :)
I have also made some pretty cool bracelets. As you might have gathered from the title, they are made almost completely from a string of old Christmas lights! Have any lying around??
Perfect!! Let's put them to use.
I started out by taking apart the lights.
1- make sure it's not plugged in. ......for obvious reasons...
2- pull the lightbulb out, like so...
It comes out just fine with a medium to hard tug. Sometimes a full on "urgggh!!!" Is needed :)
3- seperate the lightbulb from the green plastic casing.
You do this by bending the 2 little wires up and just sliding the casing off.
4- next take apart the wire on the Christmas lights itself. Cut a little bit of the green plastic to expose the pretty copper wire. Then tug and pull like CRAZY to get the wire and plastic seperate.
Now, you don't have to do this step, and instead use any wire or string. But I just really loved the copper wire color, and had some extra time on my hands. You know, with being confined to a couch by order of my husband :)
5- assemble your bracelet!
Now that your Christmas lights are fully dissected, you should have the remnants that look like so: (and maybe some flashbacks to 9th grade biology with Mr. Willis)
So this post is super long!! I will finish the rest of the instructions tomorrow (unless this baby finally comes!)
Have fun dissecting Christmas lights!
Jamie, it's so fun to come to your blog and see what you've been doing! Your bracelet is so cute! Good luck and God bless with having your new baby! Hope you have your baby soon!