Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mish- Mash Monday... Wait it's Tuesday...

It must be a stay at home mom, or a me thing- but it's hard to know the day of the week! 
Nevertheless here is my mishmash of thoughts for today :) 

It's hard to relax about my imperfections sometimes. Last night was a little rough when I felt like I couldn't do anything right. Heavenly Father is watchful, because today I ran across this on LDS.org:

"One thing that hinders the development of resilience is a misunderstanding of the commandment to be perfect (see Matthew 5:48). This misunderstanding is the most common factor I’ve seen undermining resilience in new missionaries. They want to be perfect in everything because they love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and do not want to disappoint Them. But they do not understand that the Lord works through weak, simple servants (see D&C 1:19–23) and that striving to be perfect does not mean we never make mistakes but rather that we become fully developed or complete through the Atonement of Christ as we strive to follow Him (see Matthew 5:48, footnote b)."

Thank. You. :) 
I make mistakes! I'm not perfect! Whoo-hoo!!! That means the Saviors atonement can be applied to me!

Next thought:
We got to see family last Saturday at a family reunion. It was great! I saw my aunt and her family for the first time in 11 years! And my grandma got to meet my three children for the first time... Ever! We had good time to connect with everyone. And we had a talent show! My dad showed off his AWESOME pantomime skills. As in pretending there is a wall when there isn't one....
But way better :)
And I got to share some songs on guitar, and my cousin juggled! Who knew there was so much talent in one family? 
I did. ;) jk
It definitely was an adventure on Saturday! Because on the way there our car broke down (radiator leak, so we added water and all was well).  And then our car broke down on the way home.... ( back tire's tread was PEELING OFF!! We heard the duh-duh-duh on the freeway. As we pulled over to put on the spare, we realized there was no wrench for the lug-nuts.... Luckily the 3rd times the charm and the third person we asked had one that fit :)

So there is my mishmash! I have a great update to tell you about that we did to our master bedroom! I'll share that soon :)

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