Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Silver Planters Finished!

Ok, so first off I have to tell you how many times I have written this post.....
Three. Ugh! "But yes, I love technology, but not as much as you, you see- always and forever. Always and forever."
 Here is the finished product! 

I was going to put the soil in it with seeds and flowers…...
but then Tyler reminded me that plants won't grow very well being planted on spray paint.
that made sense.
And if you look closely at this picture you will realize that there is a highchair in it. Todd's high hair. This cutie. 
So cute. 
his cheeks. 
I mean I can't take it I just have to GUSSSSH them :) ha ha ha.
 There were five planters and now there are four. And if you look even closer you'll notice that one of the planters happens to be missing .....
 Yeah that cushy cheek baby loves to crab everything around him which brunt one crashing down to the floor.
And then there were four.
so these actually can't even live in this window so anyway. 
 talk about DIY fail! :D 
but that's okay it was fun to make them anyway.
I will say one thing. Even coats, people. Even coats. I usually get too spray-paint-excited (it's a thing) and LAYER on the paint. Then I go, "hey! That was easy, and looks great!" 
*2 seconds later* 
"Wait, the paint is dripping! That doesn't look good."
*repeat thought process about 2 more times*
Then you are left with a not-so-good-looking spray paint job. 
Thin, even coats is where it's at. So someone, PLEASE remind me of this before I get spray-paint-excited again haha :)
I'm so glad you all understand my craziness! Or at lest pretend to! :)

Something else that's going on this week is that little baby got two little teeth!!! they're so cute (and a little painful) but cute. My sister was letting him play with her fingers when all off a sudden she went, YEOWWW! ha ha ha 
she didn't realize the weapons that Todd wields in his mouth. and sharp ones too. :)
Also, Tyler is a bus driver for special needs children now and he COMPLETEY loves it. I mean, he comes home saying," I love this job, jamie!" 
this is the perfect job for him.  He can be consistent every day, just Drive, not too many hours, we can enjoy him more at home, and it's just the perfect fit for him. Which is funny because this would probably be the worst job for me. I hate driving, the buses are HAUUUGE (huge), you have crazy airbrakes, and you have to be on time. Every. Day. (Not my stong point)
 My dream job dream job would be like a waitress. That would be so fun. If they paid you better. Just to be able to chat with tons of people, always be busy and moving, eating delicious food, etc. all of that sounds amazing to me! yet for Tyler that would be like his most hated job. It's funny how everyone's different! What would be your dream job?
In my life I've been a chocolate fountain assistant, a sandwich artist (a.k.a. subway), also a tax collector, a debt collector (not fun), a Mervyns retail employee, a call  Center job, a checker at a grocery store (this one was so fun for me!), a customer service rep at a bank, and finally a financial planner! 
 What jobs have you had and what was your favorite? 
As always,

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A pretty little project

I have this little windowsill...... 

It needs a little love....
The mint plant in the black container on the left was a sad loss. Especially since the lady I bought it from said it was like a weed and grows like crazy. Hmmmmmm. I guess it had the opposite effect with me :(
 But hey! Trial and error- right??? 
The pot in the middle is empty and the one on the right are green onions. They are just ones from the grocery store and I put the ends in water. Not even in dirt! And they live!!! :) now that's my kind of plant.
Anyway, this corner has been bugging me. I can't open that drawer on the right without hitting the in-a-better-place-mint plant, and the mis-matched pots are visually distracting (aka: clutter)
So I bought these:
Candles holders from the $1 store :) 
They needed some pizzaz - something sparkly...

So I taped them up in preparation for some spray paint :) 
The easiest way was to stretch out the packaging tape ( since I couldn't find the painters tape) 
And stick a plastic bag halfway onto the tape. Like so:
And THEN to tape it around the candle holder.
My plan was to do something kinda like this

(Via: liitlegreennotebook.com)
Like Jenny Komenda did for her vanity. :) soooo pretty, right??

So I painted mine.

Outside, of course :)
I left them outside in the cold which was actually a blessing!!
It must have frozen the packing tape which made it SUPER east to pull off without any of the sticky left behind.
YAY for procrastination! Lol.

But it doesn't shine through the glass like I was shooting for...
But with some dirt and plants I think it will still look beautiful :)

I'll get to planting tomorrow :)
I'm also excited to enter into an art competition that Provo Library is hosting. I'm just not sure what to paint. And WHEN to paint it.....
Because painting is hard to focus on when I have 3 cuties (4, counting Tyler) that want my love and attention! 
You know, sometimes I wish I could be one of those people that can follow a schedule. Every. Day.
The SAME schedule.
 Because I don't think waking, eating, and sleeping really counts as a schedule.... :)
Hmmm what would it be like to have consistency? 
Or to actually be on time to things. Wow! That would be ah-mazing!!!
One Sunday I made a goal to be on time that week. And guess what- I made it to something on time the week after- ha! :) 
If you can do either of these things (follow or schedule, or be on time) then pleeeeease.....


Please tell me how you do what you do :) because if I don't work on this now- man. Let's just say kindergarten will be rough next year! Unless I teach maybelline how to set an alarm, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get on the bus all by herself.....

Love you all!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

It's been awhile

 I'm sorry. 

That feels so much better.! 

 I'm sorry for not posting for a long time! I don't want to leave anybody waiting. I know how it can be to try to read a blog you love- and day, after day, after day, there's nothing new and you want to know what's going on! 
Well, here I am :) 
To tell you,
I'm alive and still me!

 Actually, even better version of me, I would say. Because we just went through a very difficult time.  We went through a trial that God has given us and we have been refined by the refiners fire. And I have to say....
 It feels good. Real good. To be in a more secure position within myself. If that makes sense... :)

  My husband had to quit his job-  And now he has a new one. Yeah-hoo!! And not just any job-a good job. So that's kind of where I've been the past few months. We have been busy talking about our desired destination in life and making some really important life decisions. Which- as I'm sure you know- is exhausting!!! Add three babies in the mix and that leaves me as a puddle on the floor! Lol.
As a look back, though, I can see how valuable this trial has been for our entire future. So it's totally worth working out a few brain muscles to figure out. :)
Sure...... It was stressful and I mean really stressful. But it's a comfy place to be when you're in the Lord's hand :) and I feel like we've gained a new perspective.
 Now we kind of have the end in mind. Like where do we want to be in a few years?? Or in 20 years?? We realized that where we want to be isn't where we were headed. 
I am sooo grateful for Heavenly Father granting to us this trial to teach us and help us get our compass back to true North. And it's been good.
 Especially now that the trial is over.  Ha ha!! :-) 
 But I guess that's easy for anybody to say once they've stepped off the hot coals. But ask them how hot the coals are when they err standing on them and it's a different story! :D 
 I guess that's how it was for us-in the trial it was difficult.
 But I would feel moments of peace. Telling me that is was all ok,
 that it was all going to be okay,
 that He loved me,
 that He was there with me. 

I hope that you can feel:
That it's all going to be okay
That He loves you
And that He is there with you
I am so grateful and so incredibly blown away at the love and support has been given to us. 
 I could feel the prayers of family and friends within me, strengthening us.
 I can see why we are put in families on this earth. It's the most amazing amazing support system ever.
 I've been meaning to write this post for a while now but I just didn't know where to start.
 I'm excited to just pick up where I left off with some more DIY ideas and just with life. Love you all!!!! thanks for reading thanks for being my friend  :)