Friday, February 6, 2015

It's been awhile

 I'm sorry. 

That feels so much better.! 

 I'm sorry for not posting for a long time! I don't want to leave anybody waiting. I know how it can be to try to read a blog you love- and day, after day, after day, there's nothing new and you want to know what's going on! 
Well, here I am :) 
To tell you,
I'm alive and still me!

 Actually, even better version of me, I would say. Because we just went through a very difficult time.  We went through a trial that God has given us and we have been refined by the refiners fire. And I have to say....
 It feels good. Real good. To be in a more secure position within myself. If that makes sense... :)

  My husband had to quit his job-  And now he has a new one. Yeah-hoo!! And not just any job-a good job. So that's kind of where I've been the past few months. We have been busy talking about our desired destination in life and making some really important life decisions. Which- as I'm sure you know- is exhausting!!! Add three babies in the mix and that leaves me as a puddle on the floor! Lol.
As a look back, though, I can see how valuable this trial has been for our entire future. So it's totally worth working out a few brain muscles to figure out. :)
Sure...... It was stressful and I mean really stressful. But it's a comfy place to be when you're in the Lord's hand :) and I feel like we've gained a new perspective.
 Now we kind of have the end in mind. Like where do we want to be in a few years?? Or in 20 years?? We realized that where we want to be isn't where we were headed. 
I am sooo grateful for Heavenly Father granting to us this trial to teach us and help us get our compass back to true North. And it's been good.
 Especially now that the trial is over.  Ha ha!! :-) 
 But I guess that's easy for anybody to say once they've stepped off the hot coals. But ask them how hot the coals are when they err standing on them and it's a different story! :D 
 I guess that's how it was for us-in the trial it was difficult.
 But I would feel moments of peace. Telling me that is was all ok,
 that it was all going to be okay,
 that He loved me,
 that He was there with me. 

I hope that you can feel:
That it's all going to be okay
That He loves you
And that He is there with you
I am so grateful and so incredibly blown away at the love and support has been given to us. 
 I could feel the prayers of family and friends within me, strengthening us.
 I can see why we are put in families on this earth. It's the most amazing amazing support system ever.
 I've been meaning to write this post for a while now but I just didn't know where to start.
 I'm excited to just pick up where I left off with some more DIY ideas and just with life. Love you all!!!! thanks for reading thanks for being my friend  :)

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