Monday, October 27, 2014

An Entryway Gallery Wall

I have been kinda stumped lately of what to write about. 
Which is strange... Usually Tyler can't get me to stop talking about house projects, ideas, and all pretty things.
Yet here I am. Haha.
I think it's the typing. It takes for-ever. I think faster than I can talk, which leaves me stumbling over my words. And I talk faster than I can type. Sooooo basically I don't know how more than half-words make it onto the posts! Maybe because I proofread :)
I'm thinking of buying one of those apps where you just talk and the app types the words for you. That would make typing ALOT easier. Tyler has it on his phone for texting. Since I have used his phone a few times, I find myself giving up on a text on my own phone because it takes so much longer! Haha, I'm such a baby :) but seriously, my phone is an un-smart phone. . . . . I think I like it better that way. Then I feel like the smart one in the relationship. ;)


I am redoing this little wall in our front room/family room/foyer/only room other than the kitchen.

And if you look closely, then you can see the farm animal magnets on the door. :) they are a favorite around these parts.
I wanted the pictures and things to have a frame, and I wanted a mirror so I can wipe the mascara left from yesterday off from under my eyes before I rushed out the door to preschool. :) 
I have another mirror I was using for this important task, but Tyler built stairs in the way....

Gotta love that handyman :) 

So I collected some mirrors and frames (yard sales, di, friends and family) 
At first I was afraid I wouldn't get enough, but now I have too many!! It's amazing, really.

I laid them all out on the couch so I could see all the possibilities. (Good thing Tyler wasn't home. He has a hard time with the messy part of projects!)

I quickly cut out or folded a piece of paper for each frame and mirror. And I mean quickly. No time to waste on something like that!
Then I even more quickly taped them up on the wall.

I rearranged and slightly scooted until I liked the arrangement. 

Then I got these babies at walmart...

Velcro command strips! They were kinda pricy. $9 for 12. But they are great for someone like me who never levels pictures. :)
Now I have slowly started replacing the paper with the corresponding picture/frame. And I mean slowly. It's been a week since I put up the papers and this is how far I am :)

:) but I like it so far!! And I wanted a mirror the girls could look into and make faces. 
Check and check. I love seeing them double take at themselves in the mirror. Then walk over to it and proceed to make the cutest faces to themselves. Man, little kids are the best!!!! They don't hold any part of themselves back, but are just open and honest. I honestly have an easier time talking to children than adults.... I know they won't judge me! :)

Friday, October 10, 2014

The strange term of 'wearing your baby' applies here

Hey all! So I've been M.I.A. For a little while- I realize that. I just ..... (here comes the excuse....)
Ok, really, I have been going on Facebook ALLLL the time and haven't left time for my blog. 
I said it.
'Hi, I'm jamie. And I'm addicted to Facebook.'

Well, not anymore!!!!! Mwahahahahaha I am showing self control and will be doing priorities in order. In order, you hear me, Facebook!! You are very lowwwwww on the list- so it will be a while before we can rendezvous again. It's not you, it's me.


I have a great simple Do It Yourself to show you today.

A baby wrap! And this lovely photo was taken by my awesome photographer that I keep on hand. 
And she's only three years old!
Granted, there were a lot of these...

But hey, I don't judge the work of a professional.

So basically, my neighbor has a baby wrap that she got at target for like $35. What? Cheap I know! But, that was still to pricey for my DIY mind. 
So I raided my moms fabric stash and found this pretty thaang. 

You can't really tell, but it a pretty mint green. And mint is allll the rage right now. Even though that has been in my moms fabric stash for probably some 20+ years :) 
It wasn't quite long enough so I cut it in half longways or hotdog way if you remember back to 4th grade. 
Then sewed it together!

I used two seams, one straight and one zig-zag. Just in case it starts to rip, then the zig-zag will keep baby safe and secure until I can resew it, if that might ever happen. But so far there has been zero sign of fabric ripping. This seam isn't going anywhere! :)

And neither is this cutie! It is sooo nice to have him so close and still have my hands free.

He likes to be faced out usually and faced in when he's tired. He actually fell asleep today on our walk while being wrapped!

I found this tutorial has been the most helpful :)

Here's to better time management!