Sunday, June 1, 2014

I guess Baby is a late sleeper...

Sooo..... The baby's due date was yesterday.....

And there is still no baby in my arms. It hurts! I just want to hold little baby, have some energy back so I can hold my other little babys, and be able to somewhat sleep at night! Is that too much to ask?? Haha

I guess Heavenly Father knows I will be getting something better by just waiting a little longer. I have seen some amazing service come my way. I have been so humbled and blown away by the people that are praying for me. I have felt those prayers! Man, the power of prayer really is something amazing.

I have seen miracles happen because of prayer and I lately I have felt the effect of prayers in my behalf. 

          “Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions. …

           “… Lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love.” (Book of Mormon, Jacob 3:1-2)

On Friday I was especially sad because of a combo of things. I was overcome with sadness when I started to feel lifted. I could feel the support of those who loved me and those prayers said in my behalf. I felt comforted. It was so amazing. I was not 100%, but I had hope again. 
I then prayed myself. Asking my dear Heavenly Father to help me. I then felt inspired to lean on my husband. Instead of trying to overcome it on my own. 
It took some courage (especially since Tyler wasn't in the best mood) for me to approach him and tell him that I just felt so sad. That I needed him to tell me everything was going to be ok, and to remind me how to laugh.
When I did, his 'bad mood' (which is really just him sitting quietly on the couch with furrowed eyebrows) melted away and he helped me feel so much better. Sometimes you just need your best friend :) 

I really love prayer. How else could I have been so lifted and guided on how to feel better? 

Just to be clear, I am usually a really happy-go-lucky person, who is super easy to smile and laugh! We just all have ups and downs :) 

In conclusion to this here, there, and everywhere post: the baby has to come within the next two weeks- one way or another! Prayer is powerful and real. And I promise if you (and I) sincerely pray, you will be able to see and feel God's love for you. :) 
Happy Sunday :)

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